Top 5 Web Development Frameworks You Should Know in 2020

Frameworks have now become an essential part of web development. It’s completely unreasonable to reinvent the wheel for such sophisticated techniques assuming that you can reinvent all that. That’s why using frameworks endorsed by thousands of Website Development Company India is a very sensible approach for building rich and interactive web applications. As we all know a web app has both frontend and backend, so here below we discuss both Backend frameworks as well as frontend frameworks. Backend Frameworks From RESTful APIs to complete MVC frameworks, here are some of the most robust backend frameworks in 2020 that you might know. Express Express has now become one of the trending frameworks, Thanks to skyrocketing popularity of Node.js. It is popular amongst giants like Accenture, IBM and Uber, and many other companies, and it’s also compatible with other frameworks such as Kraken, Sails, and Loopback. Express is known as a minimal, fast, and unopiniona...